Software Solutions

Website and Web Application Solutions

Your business needs a solid digital presence to grow. But, finding the time necessary to put together a website that captures the attention of potential customers and compels them to buy isn’t easy.

Running a business takes up most of your time, and the website inevitably falls by the wayside.

We can help. Our managed website services team can help you every step of the way, from
planning to launch, to give you a responsive, mobilefriendly website that drives business.

You get..

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    Proactive operating system (OS) hosting
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    Cloud management suite (CMS) patching to ensure superior performance
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    Cloud hosting, including backups, malware scanning, and firewall management
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    Ongoing updates for your new content (blog posts, web pages, etc.)
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    A design refresh predefine intervals or upon request

You can also use our inhouse marketing knowledge to develop user personas and stories and conduct a red route analysis of your site to learn how people use it.

Custom Application Solutions

Outsourcing your software application development is the best way to cut costs, expedite turnaround time, mitigate risks, and get the exact functionality you need.
Take advantage of the latest functionality with a team that assists with:

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    Business Process Management
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    HR Self Service
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    Application Integrations and API development
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    Cloud Native solutions

In addition to customized app design, we also offer support for your existing business applications

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